Chris Linder


With his photos of scientific expeditions, Chris Linder wants to show the public how scientists explore nature. He also hopes his photos will inspire future generations to continue researching our natural environment. Linder’s third objective is to tell the world how important it is to leave certain parts of our planet undisturbed.

“To me, science is more than numbers on a spreadsheet,” Linder recently said in a interview with MIT News Magazine. “By photographing scientists at work in the field, I aim to show how creative thinking and resourceful problem-solving are essential to discovery.”

Since 2002, Linder has documented more than thirty scientific expeditions, half of which set out to explore the polar regions. Linder is away from home three to four months a year. Thanks to his training as an oceanographer, he knows all the ins and outs of scientific research, which enables him to capture the essence of the work in his pictures, as is amply demonstrated in his book Science on Ice: Four Polar Expeditions, published in 2011.

Linder’s superb photos of landscapes, natural phenomena, flora and fauna have graced the pages of many magazines and other media, and have been exhibited in some of the world’s leading museums. He has received awards from illustrious organizations such as the BBC, Nature’s Best and International Conservation Photography.

