Clo Willaerts
Social Media ExpertSocial Media and Money
“Social media are exciting, but also a lot of plain hard work,” says Clo Willaerts, a Belgian media professional with extensive experience in social media and online business. She worked as an e-business manager for Virgin Express and Belgacom Skynet, before founding This business unit at Sanoma Media Belgium helps companies like BMW, Belgacom and Ernst & Young get more out of social media.
As an expert on the future of business communications, Willaerts is also a guest lecturer at Mechelen University College (now Lessius), EHSAL Management School (HUB), Limburg Catholic University college, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Internet Marketing School and Instima. In her book The Conversity Model. Making Money With Social Media, Willaerts explains how conversations can be observed, influenced and transformed into conversions, resulting in the kind of return on investment everybody likes: lower costs and higher revenue.
Willaerts is very active as a blogger, Twitter user and Facebooker and has organized over fifty Girl Geek Dinners in her home town Brussels, encounters for active women with a passion for internet and technology.