Filip Jonker

Founder Ortega Submersibles

 Make the Impossible Possible

“Cardboard isn’t particularly remarkable at first sight, but if you use it to build a tugboat it suddenly becomes rather special and prompts a re-evaluation of its qualities as a material. That’s what my work is all about,” says Filip Jonker, who has attracted a great deal of attention with his surprising use of materials since he graduated from the ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design in Enschede in 2006.
With an energetic and determined approach, Jonker gets seemingly impossible ideas worked out. He has built up amazing experiences within a variety of big complex projects. From crossing the English Channel in his cardboard tugboat to building a 21 meter high church out of large Lego blocks or even creating the first fully ceramic racing car, no dream goes unnoticed.
With such defined experience within the Dutch Art industry, Filip is often asked to speak as a creative input adviser and artistic communicator for when new and innovative solutions need to be simply materialized.  Over the last years, Jonker and his team have worked on building fast electric submersibles...inspired, redesigned and based on a forgotten RAF WW2 project called the “sleeping beauty.”




Invention, Art, Design, Sarasota 2016