Marten Kaevats
National Digital Advisor of EstoniaThe next step in e-governance
Estonia, the country most advanced in e-governance, has started the public discussion on how to legalize the Artificial Intelligence (AI). ‘AI is the next step for e-governance and we are investigating into possibilities where we can use it, but the limits here are endless,’ says Marten Kaevats, Estonia’s National Digital Advisor. ‘Estonia is already working on proactive services, meaning that you can provide services so that citizens don’t have to interact with the government.’
Self-driving cars are the driver for defining a legal framework for AI. But the scope is much bigger, knows Kaevats, who is also referred to as Estonia’s Chief Innovation Officer. He is educated as an architect and city planner and has been involved in preparing society for self-driving transport since 2015. Keavats graduated from a governmental talent management programme in 2017. He is a founding member of New World Society, which in 2007 triggered reformatory changes in participatory democracy and a revolution in civil society.
In 2008 he also co-founded the freeware community web platform Community Tools.